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About the Foundation

We do everything possible and impossible so that everyone can get the help they need.


CO «Charitable Foundation «еCharity»

The goals of the Foundation are to provide charitable assistance to individuals, territorial communities, non-profit organizations, legal entities under private law in the specified areas, as well as the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

Documents of the СО «CF «еCharity»


СО «CF «еCharity»

Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (1 page)


СО «CF «еCharity»

Extract from the register of non-profit organizations


СО «CF «еCharity»

Documents submitted for registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities


СО «CF «еCharity»

The structure of the charitable foundation


СО «CF «еCharity»

Charter of the Charitable Foundation

Our mission

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Committed to meeting the immediate needs of service members, and going beyond simple aid, we strive to be a strong backline for our defenders who risk their lives every day to protect our country in the extremely difficult conditions of martial law.

At this critical time, when the stakes are incredibly high, every bit of help is critical, and our goal is to provide our military with everything they need to be safe, effective and successful on the battlefield.

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Our activity is aimed at creating a community of support that unites citizens, companies, and organizations to provide assistance to those in need. We strive for transparency in all our actions and reporting to our donors on the use of funds, ensuring that every hryvnia has maximum impact. We understand that modern military conflicts require not only courage and courage from our soldiers, but also advanced technical equipment that can significantly increase their chances of success and reduce the risks to life.

Наша місія


Місія Фонду

Полягає у забезпеченні нагальних потреб військовослужбовців, та виходить за рамки простої допомоги, ми прагнемо стати міцним тилом для наших захисників, які кожного дня ризикують своїм життям, захищаючи нашу країну у надзвичайно складних умовах воєнного стану.
У цей критичний час, коли ставки неймовірно високі, кожна допомога має вирішальне значення, і наша мета – забезпечити наших військових усім необхідним для їх безпеки, ефективності та успіху на полі бою.
Наша діяльність спрямована на створення спільноти підтримки, яка об'єднує громадян, компанії, та організації з метою надання допомоги тим, хто цього потребує. Ми прагнемо до прозорості у всіх наших діях і звітності перед нашими донорами про використання коштів, забезпечуючи, щоб кожна гривня мала максимальний вплив. 
Ми розуміємо, що сучасні військові конфлікти вимагають не лише відваги та мужності від наших солдатів, але й передового технічного оснащення, яке може значно підвищити їхні шанси на успіх та знизити ризики для життя.

Who do you want to help?

All money received to help the army will be spent, including on purchases for self-propelled guns and other special forces in order to enhance the defense of Ukraine.

Your support will help us implement social and humanitarian projects for military and wounded soldiers, as well as the implementation of social and humanitarian projects in Ukraine.

What makes us special

We do our best to ensure that every person who comes to our center gets everything they need.


Provision of military personnel

Purchase of protective equipment: bulletproof vests and helmets, optics for snipers, thermal imagers. Delivery of drones


Rehabilitation and prosthetics

Providing servicemen with high-quality prostheses and other adaptive devices to improve their well-being


Construction financing

Social housing and centers for people who need it on the territory of Ukraine, the elderly and people with disabilities


Involvement of volunteers

Including foreigners and stateless persons for conducting volunteer activities on the territory of Ukraine

The fund performs the following main tasks:

1. Providing assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations, law enforcement (special) bodies, civil defense bodies, voluntary formations of territorial communities, other persons who ensure national security and defense, repelling and deterring armed aggression of a foreign state, as well as persons who suffered or may suffer from such armed aggression

2. Procurement, transportation, repair and transfer of vehicles and spare parts for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations, law enforcement (special) bodies, civil defense bodies, voluntary formations of territorial communities, other persons who ensure national security and defense, repulse and deterrence armed aggression of a foreign state, including from abroad

3. Purchase, transportation, repair and transfer of electronic warfare equipment and anti-drone guns, Starlink terminals, optics, night vision devices, thermal imagers, collimator sights, body armor and helmets, reconnaissance drones and fpv drones, laptops, including protected and tablets, radio stations , sets of sappers, backpacks for combat medics, portable charging stations of the ecoflo type, tractors and special equipment for opening trenches (to deter the aggressor), barbed wire, Yegoza tetrahedrons, camouflage nets and gowns, active headphones, mobile repair stations, searchlights for the Armed Forces of Ukraine , other military formations, law enforcement (special) bodies, civil defense bodies, voluntary formations of territorial communities, other persons who ensure national security and defense, repel and deter armed aggression of a foreign state, including from abroad

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    4. Comprehensive help and assistance to the families of servicemen who went missing, were captured, and to the families of fallen servicemen;
    5. Organization of prosthetics and operations of Ukrainian civilians and military personnel abroad;
    6. Organization of meetings with state authorities and local self-governments regarding the Fund's spheres of activity, including regarding active servicemen and those who are in captivity, have disappeared or died;
    7. Organization, financing and construction of social housing and social centers for persons who need it on the territory of Ukraine, the elderly and persons with disabilities;
    8. Purchase of real estate (houses, apartments, land plots, etc.) and their transfer to persons who need it;
    9. Lease of real estate (houses, apartments, hotels, etc.) for accommodation of persons who need it;
    10. Provide any types of material (financial) assistance to individuals, territorial communities, non-profit organizations that need it;
    11. Purchase of food products, medicines, household goods, hygiene products, various types of equipment, including medical, clothing, furniture, basic necessities, etc. for persons who need it;
    12. Purchase, transportation, distribution of food products, medical products and equipment, household appliances and other things both in Ukraine and abroad;
    13. Assistance to orphanages and homes for the elderly;
    14. Organization and holding of charity fairs, exhibitions, concerts, auctions, raffles, contests, lectures, round tables, seminars, conferences, etc.
    15. Purchase and production of souvenir and printed products (posters, posters, calendars, thematic paintings, etc.) in order to sell them for the collection of charitable donations;
    16. Attracting grants and assistance from foreign funds and organizations for the development of the region;
    17. Facilitating the improvement of settlements;
    18. Facilitating the implementation of international, national, regional and local programs aimed at the development of education, health care, environmental protection, environmental protection and animal protection, prevention of natural and man-made disasters and elimination of their consequences, assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflicts and accidents, as well as refugees and persons in difficult life circumstances, guardianship and care support, legal representation and legal assistance, social protection, social security, social services and poverty alleviation, development of culture and art, protection of cultural heritage, science and scientific research, sports and physical culture, protection of human and citizen rights and fundamental freedoms, development of territorial communities, development of international cooperation of Ukraine, stimulation of economic growth and development of the economy of Ukraine and its individual regions and increase of competitiveness of Ukraine, promotion of implementation of state, regional, local and international programs aimed at improving the socio-economic situation in Ukraine;
    19. Promotion of development in the following areas: 1) education; 2) health care; 3) ecology, environmental protection and animal protection; 4) prevention of natural and man-made disasters and elimination of their consequences, assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflicts and accidents, as well as refugees and persons in difficult life circumstances; 5) custody and care, legal representation and legal assistance; 6) social protection, social security, social services and poverty alleviation; 7) culture and art, protection of cultural heritage; 8) science and scientific research; 9) sports and physical education; 10) human and citizen rights and fundamental freedoms; 11) development of territorial communities; 12) development of international cooperation of Ukraine; 13) stimulating the economic growth and development of the economy of Ukraine and its individual regions and increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine; 14) facilitating the implementation of state, regional, local and international programs aimed at improving the socio-economic situation in Ukraine in the interests of society and/or protecting the legitimate interests of beneficiaries; 15) promotion of defense capability and mobilization readiness of the country, protection of the population in emergency situations of peace and war.
    20. Facilitating relations with other organizations and foundations, including international relations, to achieve the Foundation's statutory goals;
    21. Receives and provides humanitarian aid;
    22. The Fund establishes and maintains international contacts and relations with foreign legal entities and individuals in the interests of the Fund in accordance with the goals and objectives provided for in this Statute;
    23. Providing assistance in the development of publishing, media and information infrastructure.


Together, we can achieve a lot if we combine our efforts.

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